donderdag 16 december 2010

Nordic Oil+Gas: gaan we NOG een keertje.....????

Nordic Oil and Gas Spuds New Exploration Well at Endeavour, SK

Nordic Oil & Gas Ltd. (TSX:NOG)
Intraday Stock Chart

Today : Thursday 16 December 2010
Click Here for more Nordic Oil & Gas Ltd. Charts.

Donald Benson, Chairman and CEO of Nordic Oil and Gas Ltd. (the "Company" or "Nordic"), (TSXV: NOG) is pleased to announce that drilling activities have now commenced in Endeavour,
Saskatchewan where the first of two new exploration wells has been spud. Drilling is expected to take approximately four to five days to complete.
This is the first of two exploration wells planned before year-end in the Endeavour region of east-central Saskatchewan. Toward this end, Mr. Benson also announced today that the Company has received its well license from the Saskatchewan government, for the second well located at 12-22-35-4 W2. The lease is currently being prepared and the Company plans to commence drilling this second new exploration well at Endeavour following the completion of the 4-11 well.
About Nordic Oil and Gas Ltd.
Nordic Oil and Gas Ltd. is a junior oil and gas company engaged in the exploration and development of oil, natural gas and Coal Bed Methane in Alberta and Saskatchewan. The Corporation is listed on the TSX Venture Exchange and trades under the symbol NOG. Nordic was one of the "2008 TSX Venture 50" companies, a ranking of the top 10 public venture capital companies in five industry sectors listed on the TSX Venture Exchange.    
15 dec. 2010

11 opmerkingen:

  1. Na de 'oilseeps' gaan ze nu boren in een 'salt cap'.
    Als de olie uit de grond sijpelt, dan is het zeker dat je olie vindt als je gaat boren, toch....??
    Nee dus, maar we krijgen een nieuwe kans op een succesvolle olieboring, 2 zelfs en binnen een paar weken moeten we weten of we 'binnenlopen'.

    Ik heb ze gekocht toen niemand ze wilde hebben, ze zijn nu al meer dan 50% gestegen uitsluitend en alleen op basis van de onvolprezen fantasie van de kleine beleggers.
    Ik kan niemand aanraden om ze nu NOG te kopen....!!

  2. Oh ja, de market cap is ca 9 miljoen, een succesvolle boring KAN dus interessante gevolgen hebben.

    En bij 2 mislukte boringen, sijpelen we weer weg in de Canadese bodem.

  3. January 28 , 2010 NEWS RELEASE


    WINNIPEG, Manitoba - (January 28, 2010) ­ Donald Benson, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Nordic Oil and Gas Ltd. (“the Company” or ”Nordic”), is pleased to provide an update on several of the Company’s properties and the initiatives that are either underway or being planned:


    Back in July of last year, the Company, along with its Joint Venture partner, Western Warner Oils Ltd., entered into a strategic development agreement with a major international oil company, whereby Nordic has the opportunity to earn an interest in six townships which that company owns in Preeceville. Plans call for new 3-D seismic in the region to be processed and interpreted, which will provide Nordic with key information and data in the selection of its next well location.

    “When we first began exploring this region, we were searching for what is known as the Prairie Evaporate Salt Collapse Edge’,” Mr. Benson stated. “We now believe we have found the Salt Collapse Edge on our original holdings and these six townships contain a salt cap, which is acting as a trap for oil and/or gas.

    “We further believe that with new drilling technology available to us, we will be successful in unlocking the enormous reserves of natural gas that industry consultants have confirmed are in the region, he added. “The test well that we will be drilling will be utilizing specialized equipment on the drilling of the shallower portion of the well, thereby allowing the gas, which we know to be there, to flow.”

    The Company continues to be bullish about its Preeceville lands, and, “we eagerly anticipate getting back to this region and drilling our test well,” Mr. Benson added. “We were certainly buoyed by the fact that we discovered so many oil seeps in the region and although our initial exploration drilling activities in the area did not result in a commercially productive well, the findings that we uncovered gave us considerable optimism for a return to Preeceville.”

  4. November 30, 2010 NEWS RELEASE
    Nordic Oil and Gas Secures Drilling Rig for
    New Endeavour, SK Exploration Well

    Drilling Expected to Commence Next week
    WINNIPEG, Manitoba - (November 30, 2010) - Donald Benson, Chairman and CEO of Nordic Oil and Gas Ltd. (the “Company” or “Nordic”), (TSXV: NOG), is pleased to announce that the Company has secured a drilling rig for the first of its two new exploration wells at Endeavour, Saskatchewan.
    “The rig will be transported to the 4-11 well site this coming week-end and we anticipate drilling to commence early next week,” Mr. Benson stated, adding that drilling will take approximately five days to complete.

    The first of the two Nordic wells at Endeavour is within four miles of a 1958 well that had oil shows in six different formations. “This gives the company a strong belief that a discovery will be made,” Mr. Benson stated.

    “The seismic that we shot confirms the existence of 50 metres of anhydrate and salt, which we feel acts as a seal for the oil. Furthermore, the 1958 well was drilled on a low, whereas our location is on a structural high, another thing that gives us optimism.”


    1)Old 10-25 well drilled in 1958

    2)Proposed new 4-11 well

    Drilled on structural high: 1) NO 2)YES
    Salt cap present: 1) NO 2)YES
    Reservoir present 1) YES 2)YES

    “We are excited to finally begin drilling the first well in Endeavour,” Mr. Benson added. “Bearing in mind that the Company has seven contiguous townships of land in this area, a discovery would undoubtedly have a significant impact on the Company and our shareholders.”

  5. Nordic Oil and Gas Completes Drilling of Endeavour Well; Oil Samples Sent to Laboratory for Analysis

    WINNIPEG, Dec. 23 /CNW/ - Donald Benson, Chairman and CEO of Nordic Oil and Gas Ltd. (the "Company" or "Nordic"), (TSXV: NOG) is pleased to announce the successful completion of drilling at the Company's 4-11-35-4 W2 site in Endeavour, Saskatchewan.
    "Shortly after we entered the Red River formation at around 890 metres, we began to see signs of oil coming over the shaker," he said. "Over the course of the drilling of the next 100 metres, a dozen oil samples were retrieved and have been sent to a major laboratory in Calgary for further analysis."
    Logging was completed on Wednesday evening and the logs will now be interpreted and analyzed by Nordic's team of geologists.
    The drilling of the well took longer than was originally anticipated due largely to the fact that on two occasions the tools got stuck in the hole. "The second time this occurred was when we had just entered the Winnipegosis Sand formation, and we were stuck for some 22 hours before we were able to dislodge," said Mr. Benson.
    It is for this reason that the Company decided to T.D. (Total Depth) the well before drilling through the Winnipegosis Sand - the second target zone. "We felt this was the prudent thing to do rather than attempt to proceed where we knew we were having problems and could very well encounter more," Mr. Benson stated.
    The Company now awaits the results from the laboratory analysis of the oil samples along with the interpretations of the logs.
    commentaar: Ik heb er natuurlijk geen verstand van, maar 100 m olie klinkt bijzonder interessant, zeker voor zo'n klein bedrijf als Nordic.
    We gaan weer in de wachtkamer zitten tot de olie-dokters klaar zijn.

  6. Wednesday, December 29, 2010
    Nordic Oil And Gas Jumps 20% After Confirming Presence Of Hydrocarbons At Endeavour

    Oil and gas exploration minnow Nordic Oil and Gas (TSX-V:NOG) jumped more than 20% after the company confirmed that a well drilled on its property in Endeavour, Saskatchewan had confirmed the presence of hydrocarbons.
    Donald Benson, Chairman and CEO confirmed that not only had all samples from the well confirmed the presence of hydrocarbons, but well logs also suggested “very good” dolomite porosity, as high as 21%.
    The company now plans to perforate four intervals.
    "We are pleased at the results, both from the lab and those from the logs," Mr. Benson stated. "These are positive signs and we will now proceed with perforating and swabbing the well over the next few days."

  7. 17 cent gezien, net nog bijgekocht op 15 cent.

    In totaal een ruime verdubbeling tot nu toe.

    De volhouder wordt beloond.

  8. Nordic Oil and Gas Ltd. (NOG)

    As of January 10th, 2011
    Filing Date Transaction Date Insider Name Ownership Type Securities Nature of transaction # or value acquired or disposed of Unit Price
    Dec 30/10 Dec 29/10 Palka, Barry Gordon Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 30,000 $0.145
    Nov 23/10 Nov 23/10 Palka, Barry Gordon Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 133,333 $0.075
    Nov 23/10 Nov 23/10 Palka, Barry Gordon Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 7,000 $0.095
    Nov 22/10 Nov 15/10 Benson, Donald Phillip Indirect Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 5,000 $0.085
    Nov 13/10 Nov 11/10 Benson, Donald Phillip Indirect Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 5,000 $0.090
    Nov 07/10 Oct 25/10 Benson, Donald Phillip Indirect Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 333,333 $0.075
    Oct 29/10 Oct 22/10 Bain, Donald Barrie Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 65,000 $0.075
    Aug 15/10 Aug 13/10 Benson, Donald Phillip Indirect Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 10,000 $0.060
    Aug 15/10 Aug 06/10 Benson, Donald Phillip Indirect Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 5,000 $0.065
    Aug 15/10 Aug 06/10 Benson, Donald Phillip Indirect Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 5,000 $0.070
    - Amended Filing

  9. February 8, 2011 NEWS RELEASE

    Nordic Continues its Efforts to Line-up Services for Acid Job at Endeavour Well; Company Plans to Drill Second Endeavour Well Using Nitrogen

    Three New Wells to be Drilled at Lloydminster

    WINNIPEG, Manitoba - (February 8, 2011) – Donald Benson, Chairman and CEO of Nordic Oil and Gas Ltd. (the “Company” or “Nordic”), (TSXV: NOG) announced today that the Company has been delayed in its attempts to arrange all the services for the acid job at its 4-11-35-4 W2 well site in Endeavour, Saskatchewan.
    “We have been anxious to commence the acid squeeze at the well, however we must be patient as services will be hard to come by until break-up next month,” Mr. Benson stated.
    “We remain positive and upbeat regarding the potential of this well and the project in general given the report provided to us by Paul Lafleur*, P.Eng, President of Petro-Find Geochem (“Petro-Find”),” he added. “Analysis of 11 fluid samples exhibit significantly high concentrations of benzene indicative of oil accumulations. Of particular significance is swab PB26Z (combined swab for intervals 937-939.5, 927-930, 917-920.5), which shows a benzene level of 2.55 ppm plus significant concentrations of toluene, ethyl benzene, and xylene. As such, it is Mr. Lafleur’s belief that the well penetrated either a new, or the edge of a new oil pool in the Red River Formation. The abnormally high concentration of C8-C10 (2.8 ppm) in this sample further supports this finding.”
    In his report dated January 16, 2011, Mr. Lafleur stated: “The oil found in the Preeceville/Endeavour area may indicate a new Petroleum System not seen elsewhere.”
    With regard to the Company’s second well in the Endeavour region located at 12-22-35-4 W2, Mr. Benson also announced today that the Company is planning to amend its previously received well license to allow it to drill the well using nitrogen.
    “Nitrogen gas is often used in the drilling process to avoid damaging fragile shales. This will allow us to test for gas inflow during the drilling of the shallow portion of the well,” he said. “Once we are through the Colorado Shales, we will revert to a mud system while drilling our oil targets.”
    In other news regarding the Company’s Lloydminster, Alberta initiatives, Mr. Benson further announced today that Nordic and its partners in the region will be undertaking the drilling of three new wells in the area – C6-24-050-02W4, 3D-11-050-02W4 and C7-14-050-02W4. The project is to drill, complete, equip and bring onto production each of the three wells. When completed, this will bring to 17 the number of wells on production at Lloydminster, and will have a positive impact on the production totals coming from this area. Nordic has a 33 1/3% interest in all of the wells at Lloydminster.

  10. Nordic Oil heeft vrijwel zeker een behoorlijke nieuwe oliebron gevonden, helaas kunnen ze niet het juiste personeel vinden om de productie vast te kunnen stellen, maar dat zal binnenkort heus wel lukken, bovendien zijn er nog meer boringen onderweg.

    De koers is inmiddels weer teruggekeerd op z'n uitgangspunt, nl 8 cent, dat biedt dus flinke kansen bij relatief weinig risico.

  11. Helaas geef ik niet veel tips waarbij je binnen 24 uur 100% winst kunt maken, maar hierboven was zo'n tip.

    Degene die op 31 maart tussen 18:38 en 22:00 uur aandelen NOG gekocht heeft op ca 7,5 tot 8 cent, had ze op 1 april kunnen verkopen op ca 15 tot 17 cent.
    Op 1 april kwam er een bericht uit dat NOG een procedure heeft gewonnen tegen Encana, wat dat precies betekent weet ik nog niet, maar de beurs was dolblij.
    Als het weer goed is begint het bedrijf weer met boren en de productietest.
