Cotton & Western Mining, Inc. CWRN.PK
Press Release Source: Cotton & Western Mining, Inc. On Tuesday November 9, 2010, 9:48 am EST
HOUSTON, TX--(Marketwire - 11/09/10) - Cotton & Western Mining, Inc. (Pinksheets:CWRN - News) Robert L. Cotton, President of Cotton & Western Mining, Inc., stated today that, "the Baja Pacific raw crude iron ore mining project is in full production as of Friday, November 5th, 2010." Operator Training and Crushing equipment set-up and start-up was provided by the equipment manufacturer, crushing both through the Primary Jaw and Secondary Cone was undertaken by Pan-American Minerals Ventures, S.A. de C.V. operators with initial crushing rates higher than anticipated. The iron ore is being crushed to main production sizes of 03 to 18 millimeter Fines and secondary sizes of 0 to 03 millimeter Super Fines. The 3 by 18mm Fines will be shipped via Bulk Cargo Vessels and the 0 by 3mm Super Fines will be packed in Maxi Bags for container shipments of 8 bags maximum of 25 metric tons per 20-ft container, for Environmental Air Quality concerns and will begin before the end of November 2010. All "Guadalupe" Fines and Super Fines shall be sold on the China Seaborne Trade Spot Sales Market for the near future. All product cargo shall be shipped from the Pacific Ocean Port of Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico. A photograph of the production may be viewed on the Company's website home page.
Other News: The Ensenada Port Authority is in the process of dredging its bulk cargo dock to receive PanaMax vessels up to 75,000 Down Weight Tons (DWT). The P.A. advised CWRN and PanAm both on Monday that the dredging project would be completed before the end of December 2010. The company will still make its first shipment via Handy cargo vessel at 30/35,000 DWT; However, beginning in January 2011 all bulk cargo shipments will be made via PanaMax at one or two shipments per month.
Cotton & Western Mining is een soort familiebedrijf van de Fam. Cotton, die al ca 5 jaar bezig is om een ijzerertsmijn te openen. Het lijkt erop dat het nu gelukt is en dat binnenkort de eerste schepen naar China vertrekken.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenDe laatste koers is 0,0032 op de Pink Sheets.
Uitgaande van max 6 miljard uitstaande aandelen, zou de beurswaarde max ca 19 miljoen zijn.
Als de directie z'n beloftes nakomt, dan kan de cashflow volgend jaar algauw 50 tot 80 miljoen bedragen.
zie verder InvestorsHub.
CWRN $1 PPS in 2011
Starting January next year CWRN will be shipping via PanaMax one to two 75,000 DWT loads per months.
This means an average of 1.5 shipment a month. The number comes up to 18 shipped loads per year.
18 x 75,000 DWT = 1350000 DWT
According to, iron prices keep rising and are currently at about $152/tonne.
1350000 DWT x $152/tonne = $205,200,000
This is our anticipated revenue for 2011, MORE THAN TWO HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS!
According to the company's preliminary projections (, their profit margin will be around 50% before tax. This is reasonable for high-margin, high-demand commodity like iron ore, but for the sake of being conservative, let's say it will be 40%.
$205,200,000 x 0.40% = $82,080,000
This is our anticipated earnings for 2011 before tax.
Now, the last update on the share structure was 2.3B OS, of which 2B were restricted shares, and the float was 300M. I assume the company could have converted some of the restricted shares into free-trading ones for the purposes of supporting this enormous project. Let's assume the worst case scenario that the entire 2.3B shares are free-trading.
Then our earnings per share can be calculated as follows:
$82,080,000 / 2.3B Shares = $0.036 per share.
Established companies with high shareholder confidence trade at 20x - 30x of their EPS. In CWRN's case, 10x should be reasonable, so a fair PPS under the anticipated conditions in 2011 is 36 cents per share.
***** 36 cents per share is what can conservatively be calculated considering the worst case scenario for the share structure, disregarding the fact the iron ore prices are rapidly rising, ignoring any expansion potential, and WITHOUT CONSIDERATION OF THE 60% BUYBACK. The reality is that CWRN trades as if the float was MUCH less than what I used in my calculations, and that the buyback will start as soon as the first revenues are in. Thus, all in all, $1 per share is something I would expect for the company with this much potential. It might seem like quite a leap from where we are now, but feel free to go over all the aforementioned math on your own, look at the millions of dollars worth of equipment on the production site, and then decide for yourself if this sort of risk/reward ratio is for you.
Ik heb in het verleden slechte ervaringen gehad met Pink Sheet-aandelen, het probleem is dat ze weinig of niks hoeven te publiceren en dat de insiders naar harte lust aandelen kunnen dumpen.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenOf dit bedrijf bonafide is, kan ik niet bepalen, maar zoals gewoonlijk groeien de mooiste bloempjes vlak naast de afgrond.
Onduidelijk is ook hoeveel aandelen er uitstaan; ik ga uit van het maximum, maar het kunnen er ook een paar miljard minder zijn.
Mooie plaatjes hier te zien:
uit laatste persbericht:
3. Review the common share count percentage held by affiliates and insiders. Currently Pan American Mineral Ventures, LLC., State of Nevada, is the largest shareholder controlling 1.75 billion common shares. Both Pan American Mineral Ventures, LLC. and Panamerican Minerals Ventures, S.A. de C.V. Baja California, Mexico are CWRN affiliates, both companies are co-managed and controlled by Robert L. Cotton Jr. and Sharon Vazquez for and on behalf of Cotton & Western Mining, Inc. as trustees, pursuant to a corporate consent resolution and trustee contract by and between the parties.
By consent; the Directors of Pan Am LLC., U.S.A. shall retire by deleting a percentage of common shares now held as new common shares that are accumulated though the public market beginning in the later part of the first quarter of 2011.
4. Review and discuss the possibility of a corporate name change from Cotton & Western Mining, Inc. to Pan American Mineral Ventures, Inc. to better reflect the Mexico In-country affiliate operations.
By consent; the Board of Directors has approved the name change of Cotton & Western Mining, Inc. to Pan American Mineral Ventures, Inc. The Company shall submit to NASDAQ the request for name change together with a new CUSIP number in early January 2011. Currently the Company is dark on reporting to the new Pinksheets guide lines, beginning with the first quarter of 2011, audited consolidated financial statements will be made available and posted on Pinksheets. First quarter financials should be completed no later than April 15th, 2011 and shall be immediately posted for the general public together with complete share structure. Projected consolidated revenues for the first quarter 2011 will approximately fall between 30 and 50 million dollars, depending on the number of shipments of finished iron ore product the Company will be able to provide. The Company has recently been contacted by Merchant Bankers to sponsor an Initial Public Offering (IPO) on another index. The Company has looked at both the NASDAQ and German DAX, no discussion has yet been determined as to where the Company may land in the future, but it is doubtful that the Company can remain on the Pinksheets past 2011. In the event that the Company does move to another index, current shareholders shall be issued the new listing common shares in proportion to their holdings.
Nog meer mooie plaatjes, er wordt duidelijk hard gewerkt:
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThe last piece of Baja 14 production puzzle is now officially finished! Valley Equipment sent these pictures to the company to confirm the completion of the job. Knowing how anxious the investors are to finally get this delay over with, Bob was kind enough to share these with us. It is custom-designed, and is capable of processing up to 1,000mt/hr.
According to temeku999's phone conversation with Valley, it is being tested now, and should be shipped out as early as Thursday.
At a rate of up to 1,000mt/hr it will be able to process the first 35,000DMT shipment in mere days. The trucking of the processed, ready-to-sell ore to the port is expected to begin after only two days of magnetic separation.
Press Release Source: Cotton & Western Mining, Inc. On Thursday December 30, 2010, 8:30 am EST
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHOUSTON, TX--(Marketwire - 12/30/10) - Cotton & Western Mining, Inc. (Pinksheets:CWRN - News) -- Robert L. Cotton, President of Cotton & Western Mining, Inc., says, "The Baja Pacific raw crude iron ore mining project will yield $32,000,000.00 in first quarter revenues as the Company moves November and December finished production to 2011 for sales."
Management is preparing "Mina Guadalupe" for the raining season, spreading more sand on the inside roads, and screening two large stockpiles of -50mm natural materials and the 0-3mm crushed materials together with final finished product 3-18mm raw crude iron ore materials for shipping. The Company is bringing the November and December production forward to the first quarter 2011 for the China Seaborne CFR sales; this combined with the new production in 2011 will yield approximately $32,000,000.00 in first quarter revenues. Beginning in the second quarter of 2011, the Company will increase finished iron ore production to over 100,000 metric tons per month.
Year to Date Review:
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThe Company completed the "Mina Guadalupe" iron mineral mine development in four months, that included all state and federal permitting, land-usage and land access together with surface rights agreements with the land-owners. Mine stripping and extraction preparations were completed under SAMERNAT ECO 120 in 90 days and full mineral extraction began on November the 5th, 2010. Over 200,000 metric tons of various iron minerals and waste materials were processed in less than 60 days, while Management accomplished the development to production of 118,000 metric tons of iron ore within that period of time and coming in $3,000,000.00 under the line item start-up budget. The Company would like to recognize all the management staff of Panamerican Minerals Ventures, S.A. de C.V. (Baja Mexico) that worked tirelessly seven days a week coordinating every detailed item that came up while finding the correct solution for many difficulties that arise while starting a new project in a foreign country together with the mining superintendent Andres Garcia and his hard work and coordination with the mining crews -- all have contributed to the success of the project in the most professional manner.
Related News: China Seaborne Trade, Spot Price Iron Ore may be viewed at the following link:
Metal Bulletin Iron Ore Index Link
Voorlopig heb ik hier een 5-bagger te pakken..!!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenWat zei ik..?? 5-bagger..??
BeantwoordenVerwijderenIk bedoelde 8-bagger, ik heb een klein gedeelte verkocht op 0,008.
De koers is nu 0,0107,
BeantwoordenVerwijderenvoor mij nu een 10-bagger en sinds het openen van dit draadje een ruime 3-bagger.
Vandaag verdubbelde dus de koers naar ruim boven de 2 cent.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenDit is waarschijnlijk m'n eerste 20-bagger, in ieder geval voor dit jaar (lol).
Het geld stroomt binnen, dus binnenkort zal er wel weer iets mis gaan.
Ik vrees dat verder niemand meegedaan heeft met CWRN, gezien de minimale interesse in dit draadje.
Ben ingestapt op 0,002 dus dit is geen slechte tip :-) Inleg en kleine winst heb ik al verzilverd en de rest hou ik voorlopig aan. Er is nu zoveel momentum en omzet dat er gekke dingen kunnen gebeuren.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenAnoniem heeft inmiddels een ruime 11-bagger aan de broek, mits hij de lef had om niet te vroeg te verkopen, koers nu ca 2,2 cent.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenDe koers stond dus al eerder boven de 2 cent, maar ging toen weer als een raket naar minder dan 1 cent.
Ik hoorde dat het aandeel ook via Binck te koop is; bij Rabo en ABN misschien via de telefoon.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011 9:14:11 AM
Re: None Post # of 22688
Just received an email back from Bob with an update on the status of Baja 14 production:
1) The company started real-time processing which essentially generates ship-ready iron in one combined, efficient process. Some close-ups of the set-up can be seen on the pics. This further enhances the output of Baja 14 production.
2) An additional night work shift will start tonight. Some of the light structures can already be seen on the pictures with more scheduled to arrive, totaling 8 towers of 4 powerful 1kW lamps each to allow full-blown work through the night.
3) Trucking of ready-to-sell iron to the port is scheduled to start this week with the first, flagship shipment inevitably following shortly thereafter. I expect the company to provide a formal update on the status of trucking and shipment in this month's PR.
Overall, in light of recent CWRN's activity, it is not surprising that PPS is persistently climbing up. This is a real company that will be in business for a long time, making millions of dollars, selling tons upon tons of today's hottest commodity. There is no other PinkSheets company like it. None.
Some members of this board were concerned about the company not meeting their $32,000,000 revenue projection for this quarter due to delayed negotiations of shipment details. Personally, I will happily take $25M or even $20M in this quarter. It is, after all, the quarter that serves a vital transition between production and actual revenue, it is expected to be bumpy. The important thing here is that the company is obviously gearing up for much more than $32M quarterly sales. Fine-tuning and optimization of the production process as well as addition of a whole new work shift, even if it had to be at night, tells me that CWRN is strongly intended to bring itself up to a rate of two 75,000 DMT shipments a month, as they had originally projected for 2011. It looks like our $32M projection will still stand in the second quarter, but this time it might just be per month... Good luck to all!
Especially to those of us who stuck around, and despite all the noise and doubt managed to discern CWRN's true potential.
Ben nog steeds in bezit met mijn vrije aandelen.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenGa er vanuit dat als ze het kunnen waarmaken de MC naar 300 a 400 miljoen kan.En als ze dan ook nog proven reserves kunnen publiceren dan kan er nog wel wat meer bij.Eerst het ijzer maar de boot in.
Doe het telefonisch via ABNAMRO. Heel leuk begin van het jaar zo.
Trucking-to-the-port pics:
HOUSTON, TX--(Marketwire - 01/31/11) - Cotton & Western Mining, Inc. (Pinksheets:CWRN - News) On January 12th, 2011 the Company received notification from Issuer Services PinkOTC as paraphrased herein under;
BeantwoordenVerwijderen"Pink OTC Markets has become aware of promotion regarding your security. It is Pink OTC Markets policy to block the display of quotations on for non-Current issuers and label the company with the Caveat Emptor symbol. The Caveat Emptor can be removed by complying with the following:"
CWRN is not, has not and shall not be running any promotions on the Company. The Company has since become current on its annual fees and is in the process of complying with Pink OTC Markets requirements for display on website.
Baja Pacific Mining Project Update: The "Mina Guadalupe" Iron Mineral Mining Project has begun extended operations for material separation and heavy haul transportation to the Pacific Ocean Port of Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico. The Company will be shipping out of the Ensenada International Terminal. Windows for bulk cargo loading is scheduled for Thursday through Sundays. Bulk cargo vessels shall not be dispatched to the port until a sufficient amount of cargo is delivered to the dock side storage area. It is anticipated that the first shipment of iron ore will be around the end of February. Contract for sales and the confirmation of the buyer's Documentary Letter of Credit on incoterms CFR, export from Mexico to the People's Republic of China has been completed. Further shipments shall be on windows of access at the loading berth.
Note: "Mina Guadalupe" is operated by Panamerican Minerals Ventures, S.A. de C.V., Ensenada, Baja California, under contract with CWRN and held in trust for CWRN by its principal officers and directors, Robert L. Cotton and Sharon Vazquez. The registration of Cotton & Western Mining, Inc. U.S.A. with the Secretary of Economy, Mexico, as a foreign investment company has been delayed pending the name change from Cotton & Western Mining, Inc. to Panamerican Minerals Ventures, Inc. All financial reporting shall be on a consolidated basis, split between the U.S.A. and Mexico, under the terms and conditions of the NAFTA agreement.
Dag Precies,
BeantwoordenVerwijderenNog bedankt voor je tip van CWRN. Ik was er met een zeer kleine positie ingestapt en gisteren eruit. Heeft me, ondanks die kleine positie, een leuk bedrag opgeleverd!
alle foto's op een rijtje:
BeantwoordenVerwijderenFeb 28, 2011 08:30 ET
CWRN: "Rate Fixed; Iron Cargo to Sail in March"
HOUSTON, TX--(Marketwire - February 28, 2011) - Cotton & Western Mining, Inc. (PINKSHEETS: CWRN) revealed today that due to the recent escalation in fuel cost a fixed rate for China Seaborne Iron Ore has been agreed to. The recent rise in Ocean Freight was the direct result of civil unrest in oil producing countries, resulting in an increase of $12.00 per metric ton in the last ten days. Panamanian Flagged MV AZUMA PHOENIX (or substitute) is scheduled to dock at the Ensenada International Terminal on March 17th, 2011. Management stated today that the seasonal rains have been relatively mild this year and that to date only eight days of production was lost due to inclement weather. The Baja Pacific Iron Mineral Mining Operations have now moved into continuous operations for Extraction, Processing, Grading, Trucking, Port Stockpiling and Shipping.
Pending Issues:
Pink OTC Markets: "Caveat Emptor symbol." CWRN Management has been vigorously working on clearing the CE issue, and expects it to be resolved before the end of March 2011. Our attorneys are diligently working on the matter by following the OTC Markets guidelines. We reiterate that Cotton & Western Mining, Inc. has not promoted its shares, and feel the value of our company will ultimately be realized in the near future by the market.
The Rumor Mill / New Iron Mineral Deposits and Buyout and Buy-in Proposals:
Due to the constant internet chatter, phone calls and electronic mails asking the Company about a large new iron mineral project, and if we have received an buyout offer; management has decided to disclose to the public that it has paid $30,000.00 in mineral taxes on the 21,000 hectare (52,500 acres) "Mina Nazarena" as part of its contribution in a Consortium Group that is planning to develop the large iron mineral deposit within year 2011. The CWRN Team will be responsible for development and operations of the project. The mineral concession is located in south central Baja California, approximately 80 kilometers from the Sea of Cortez and 50 kilometers from the Pacific Ocean. The highlight of the project is a 14 kilometer (8.75 miles) long magnetite strike. The Company will begin exploration within the next few weeks. The estimated size of the ore bodies has not been confirmed; however, it is believed to be one of largest in Baja California if not the largest. The Company is also reviewing its options on two other iron mineral concessions located outside of Baja, pending the investment strategy of its U.S. investors which have indicated to management, that they are willing to go the distance on larger iron mineral projects.
Cotton & Western Mining, Inc. U.S.A. has received an unsolicited Buyout or Buy-in offer from a U.S. private investment firm for all outstanding and issued shares for $0.15 cents per share. We have decided to decline the offer for our shareholders, as we feel it does not represent the true value we envisioned; however, if a future offer is accepted, all shareholders will be updated at the proper time.
Buy Back Program:
As stated in a previous News Release, the Company will begin a "Market Share" buyback program of CWRN common free trading shares on a per shipment basis.
Notes: The Baja Pacific -- "Mina Guadalupe" is operated by Panamerican Minerals Ventures, S.A. de C.V., Ensenada, Baja California, under contract with CWRN and held in trust for CWRN by its principal officers and directors, Robert L. Cotton and Sharon Vazquez.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenA collection of photographs posted on a U-Tube video by an unknown party, has recently come to our attention and it reflects the progress of the Baja Pacific Mining Project from day one through stockpiling finished products at the Port of Ensenada, interested parties may view the collection at:; thanks to whoever put it together.
Related News: China Seaborne Trade, Spot Price Iron Ore may be viewed at the following link:
Metal Bulletin Iron Ore Index Link
leuk leesvoer van het ihub forum geplukt:
You just might want to read this>>>>>>CWRN $1 PPS in 2011
Starting January next year CWRN will be shipping via PanaMax one to two 75,000 DWT loads per months.
This means an average of 1.5 shipment a month. The number comes up to 18 shipped loads per year.
18 x 75,000 DWT = 1350000 DWT
According to, iron prices keep rising and are currently at about $152/tonne.
1350000 DWT x $152/tonne = $205,200,000
This is our anticipated revenue for 2011, MORE THAN TWO HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS!
According to the company's preliminary projections (, their profit margin will be around 50% before tax. This is reasonable for high-margin, high-demand commodity like iron ore, but for the sake of being conservative, let's say it will be 40%.
$205,200,000 x 0.40% = $82,080,000
This is our anticipated earnings for 2011 before tax.
Now, the last update on the share structure was 2.3B OS, of which 2B were restricted shares, and the float was 300M. I assume the company could have converted some of the restricted shares into free-trading ones for the purposes of supporting this enormous project. Let's assume the worst case scenario that the entire 2.3B shares are free-trading.
Then our earnings per share can be calculated as follows:
$82,080,000 / 2.3B Shares = $0.036 per share.
Established companies with high shareholder confidence trade at 20x - 30x of their EPS. In CWRN's case, 10x should be reasonable, so a fair PPS under the anticipated conditions in 2011 is 36 cents per share.
***** 36 cents per share is what can conservatively be calculated considering the worst case scenario for the share structure, disregarding the fact the iron ore prices are rapidly rising, ignoring any expansion potential, and WITHOUT CONSIDERATION OF THE 60% BUYBACK. The reality is that CWRN trades as if the float was MUCH less than what I used in my calculations, and that the buyback will start as soon as the first revenues are in. Thus, all in all, $1 per share is something I would expect for the company with this much potential. It might seem like quite a leap from where we are now, but feel free to go over all the aforementioned math on your own, look at the millions of dollars worth of equipment on the production site, and then decide for yourself if this sort of risk/reward ratio is for you.
P.S. For those who like seeking out rare long-term plays in the pinky land, Baja 14 has 8 million DMT of ore (, with an additonal million discovered just recently ( Those deposits alone will keep CWRN busy for nearly a decade. For a complete list of the company's iron mines see:
Good Luck to All!
ps: klik eens op de foto's bovenaan dit draadje.
CWRN: "M.V. Kriton Landed and Loading Iron Ore"
BeantwoordenVerwijderenCWRN.PK 0.02 +0.00
Friday March 25, 2011, 11:30 am EDT
HOUSTON, TX--(Marketwire - 03/25/11) - Cotton & Western Mining, Inc. (Pinksheets:CWRN - News) Sharon Vazquez Vice President - Director of Cotton & Western Mining and President - Director of Subsidiary Panamerican Minerals Ventures, S.A. de C.V. Baja California, Mexico advises CWRN shareholders that the 42,000 dead weight ton bulk cargo vessel M.V. Kriton has berthed at the Ensenada International Terminal on the Pacific Ocean and that continuous loading is under way of the multimillion dollar iron ore cargo bound for the People's Republic of China.
Pending Issues:
Pink OTC Markets: "Caveat Emptor symbol." CWRN Management has been vigorously working on clearing the CE issue, and expects it to be resolved soon.
New Iron Mineral Project:
CWRN is currently in talks with the HyVista Corporation ( for the acquisition of surface mineral mapping over the 21,000 hectare (52,500 acres) Nazarena Mineral Concession located in south central Baja California. The project is expected to be on line before the end of year 2011 and shipping out of the Sea of Cortez.
Notes: The Baja Pacific -- "Mina Guadalupe" is operated by Panamerican Minerals Ventures, S.A. de C.V., Ensenada, Baja California, under contract with CWRN and held in trust for CWRN by its principal officers and directors, Robert L. Cotton and Sharon Vazquez.
Video + foto's:
CWRN: "Revenues Distributed, 2nd Bulk Shipment Close"
BeantwoordenVerwijderenPress Release Source: Cotton & Western Mining, Inc. On Thursday May 26, 2011, 8:30 am EDT
HOUSTON, TX--(Marketwire - 05/26/11) - Cotton & Western Mining, Inc. (Pinksheets:CWRN - News), the company under Irrevocable Assignment of Documentary Letter of Credit Proceeds, distributed the revenues from its first bulk shipment of iron ore under the following percentages; 60% to ongoing operations, 30% to Project Investors and 10% to Management. The Project Investors recovered approximately 75% of their cash contributions; The Ensenada International Terminal was paid approximately $320,000.00 for receiving, storage, material handling and cargo loading, $356,000.00 was paid to Road-Runner Trucking, $1,115,000.00 was paid to COSFAR Bulk Cargo Shipping, $220,000.00 was paid in royalty fees and surface rights. The Company was also able to meet its obligations to PowerScreen of California paying a balance of $975,000.00 for the crushing equipment. We would like to thank PowerScreen for their ability to provide us with over $1,500,000.00 in equipment that was paid off under settlement of DLC proceeds, without their help it would have been very difficult to secure the equipment we had specified for the production. The Company will be receiving more equipment from PowerScreen shortly.
Operations Update: The Company has been continuously excavating, crushing and processing raw crude iron ore since the first shipment departed the Pacific Ocean Port of Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico on April the second, 2011. Currently 3-18mm and 1-3mm iron ore is being processed and stored at the Company's on site Lay-down Yard, trucking to the port is scheduled to re-start within the next couple weeks, with more trucks than we used on the first shipment. As of this date, no Fixture Note has been signed with any bulk cargo shipper, we have yet to determine a vessel size for the next shipments depending on grades and sizes, it is most likely to be a mixed shipment of +61% and -61% Fe on a sliding scale basis reject less than 56% and guarantee at 58% for lower grade and reject less than 58% and guarantee 61% Fe for higher graded iron ore.
deel 2)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenCWRN Current Share Structure: The Company has stated that it is not currently providing any Market Awareness nor is it involved with the market in any way. The share price of the Company's stock for now will be dictated by the market and will be for a few more months. The outstanding shares for CWRN have not changed since early November 2010. The following share count is from November 2010 and as of May 26, 2011.
Authorized Shares: 6,000,000,000
Outstanding Shares: 4,361,635,980
Restricted Shares: 2,056,610,879
Free Trading Shares: 2,305,025,101
Free Trading Shares Held Close: 550,000,000
Free Trading Shares on the Street: 1,755,025,101
Note: Pan American Mineral Ventures, LLC. Officers, Directors, Insiders and Affiliates control over 50% of the Company's Outstanding Shares, Robert L. Cotton and Sharon Vazquez are co-managers of Pan American Mineral Ventures, LLC., State of Nevada, both are Officers and Directors of CWRN.
OTC:PK Status: CWRN is no longer a developing company and as such the non-reporting SEC status in not desirable to maintain a healthy share value for the shareholders; therefore, the Board of Directors have agreed to move on. The company will be merging into a new mining company that will be involved with several other iron ore mining projects and will be an SEC reporting company listed on the OTC:QB; this process shall take some time and will require shareholder's voting approval. A Shareholders meeting will be held, all shareholders of record will be given a 45 day written notice of the time and place of the meeting. A news release will also be issued with the Shareholders notice.
commentaar: Het goede nieuws is dat er eindelijk meer openheid is gekomen in de financiƫn, het slechte nieuws is dat het tempo van het verschepen van erts veel lager is dan verwacht.
De koers is recent gedaald van ca 3 cent naar ca 0,006 nu.
De beurswaarde is nu ca 26 miljoen, degenen die uitgestapt zijn of de stijging van ca 0,0006 naar ca 3 cent gemist hebben zouden kunnen overwegen om nu in te stappen.
Binnenkort gaat er waarschijnlijk weer een schip vertrekken.
Investors Hub: pesquero
Sunday, July 03, 2011 2:48:45 PM
Re: None Post # of 50165
Update from Ensenada
It's obvious that Cotton has dramatically improved his trucking logistics. Yesterday, it seemed like there was a CorreCaminos truck either coming or going through town every 15 minutes!
Cotton must have kicked his trucker where it hurts. ATTABOY!!!
The rumor is that the 2nd ship (a Handymax) will begin loading at EIT on July 25th, and at this trucking rate, this time there will be enough at the port to fill it without delays.
More importantly, I was told (by one of his employees)that they have uncovered the best vein yet of solid Magnetite, and the only delay in production is that they haven't yet got their blasting permit approved. He said that is expected within a couple of weeks, which will allow them to Double or Triple their production of Lump Ore.
So, I am pleased to report that (although it took a while longer than I had expected) it definitely appears that they have worked out many of the "kinks" that I originally expected, and should have much smoother sailing ahead.
De huidige koers is ca 0,009 en de market cap is ca 40 miljoen.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenEr is voldoende voorraad om weer een schip te vullen. Zo'n schip moet toch algauw een netto omzet van 10 miljoen op kunnen leveren en de bedoeling is nog steeds om min. 1 schip per maand te leveren. Binnenkort krijgen ze een 'blast-vergunning' en gaat de winning veel sneller.
veel foto's:
Someone was asking about the lay-down-yard, here is few pictures from today... pic 27 is fertilizer pic 24 shows that we have removed material down to the top of the magnetite in the center of Coloso at this location. At this time we are stripping the top off along a 300 meter section, (between DH 69 /70) soon it will be gray and black all the way back to where you see the drill setting.. some quick math 300L x 30W (minimum known maybe more) = 9,000 cubic meters x 52 known depth today (maybe more) = 468,000 cubic meters x a minimum material weight of 3.5 = 1,638,000 metric tons of compacted iron, meaning most likely 85% usable material = 1,392,300 metric tons FOR SALE in that small area, the total length of Coloso on Guadalupe is 1,500 meters, but we still have to drill further up to confirm, but for now we will take the 300 meter section out, which should be about 39 ship loads at 35k/wmt depending on size vessels or Supermax at 50k/wmt = 27 ship loads.. So we have a lot of work to do and hopefully after moving these current shipments we can step on the gas with more equipment and get after it when the overburden is stripped....../
CWRN: "Remedial Drilling Underway at
BeantwoordenVerwijderenCotton & Western Mining, Inc. (OTC/Pinksheets: CWRN) Management stated today that the original drilling program consisted of 68 shallow drill holes into the Guadalupe iron ore bodies; 66 of the 68 drilled holes contained iron ore lenses varying in thickness from 2 to 14 meters thick. The deepest drilled hole was 20 meters in depth. The last shipment of iron ore and the current stockpiles of finished products have all come from a small section of the 1,500 meters long Coloso Vein (one of four long iron ore veins on the mineral concession) and 26 meters of overburden and iron ore have been extracted out of the section. Currently the company has begun a remedial drilling program to extend the drilling depth to a minimum of 25 meters under the previously discovered iron ore lenses and up to 100 meters deep should the ore body continue at greater depth. In the first of a series of mini drilling programs, four drill sites were chosen approximately 300 meters apart along the 275 degree Northwest Coloso strike in areas of confirmed heavy ore bodies. The results of the program will be made available to our shareholders and the general public upon completion.
Shipping Update: Bulk vessel shipping is currently on hold, pending the evaluation of cost savings on shipment size. The first two shipments of Guadalupe raw crude iron ore were delivered via HandyMax at 38,500 and 36,000 dry metric tons of ore, the latter shipment ended at a cost of $43.00 per wet metric ton of product. Shipping cost has recently decreased, primarily on larger capacity vessels; therefore, Management has asked the John F. Dillon & Company, LLC., to assist in finding and negotiating the best Seaborne dry bulk freight rates available. A decision will be make within the next couple weeks to either ship numbers 3 and 4 separately in HandyMax or combine the two shipments into a SuperMax at 58,000 WMT or a PanaMax at 70-75,000 WMT shipment.
CWRN Current Share Structure: The Company has stated that it is not currently providing any Market Awareness nor is it involved with the market in any way. The share price of the Company's stock is solely dictated by the market.
Authorized Shares: 6,000,000,000
Outstanding Shares: 4,361,635,980
Restricted Shares: 2,056,610,879
Free Trading Shares: 2,305,025,101
CWRN: "Wide Area Deep Drilling Underway"
BeantwoordenVerwijderenPress Release: Cotton & Western Mining, Inc. – 1 hour 40 minutes ago
Symbol Price Change
CWRN.PK 0.0044 0.00
HOUSTON, TX--(Marketwire -04/13/12)- Cotton & Western Mining, Inc. (Pinksheets: CWRN.PK - News) In 2011, Panamerican Minerals Ventures , S.A. de C.V. Mexico, the operators of the "Guadalupe Iron Mineral Concession," drilled three deep conformation holes 300 meters apart in the center line of the 1,500 meter long Coloso Iron Mineral Vein , (one of four major iron mineral veins located on the concession); the purpose of those drill-holes was to explore the depth of the Coloso Vein, since the original drill program of 68 holes was shallow at 20-meters depth. Drill-hole 69 at 44-meters revealed continuous iron minerals mixed Magnetite and Hematite down to an elevation point of 81-meters above sea level, where the drilling was suspended without punching through the iron minerals as the iron content became lower and the mineral became solid magnetite. Drill-hole 70 at 84-meters depth on the lower elevation of the concession revealed the same mineral structure as drill-hole 69, hitting iron mineral at 4-meters down and continuous to 84-meters where the drilling was suspended at 2-meters above sea level; the third Drill-hole number 71 at 54-meters depth revealed continuous magnetite as well, the drilling was suspended pending simulated concentration testing of the lower grade materials to better understand the percentage of Fe304 (Magnetite Iron Oxide) uplift that could be anticipated if the materials were processed through a series of beneficiations. Results from those analytical studies indicated that the iron minerals can be processed to a Grade-A iron mineral status. Management has been discussing the feasibility of building a concentration plant on site with the corporation of Bao Steel Group of China, provided that there is enough magnetite mineral reserve to justify the investment; therefore, the company has begun a series of new and deeper drilled-holes on a wide-area bases to establish parameters for an accurate calculation of available mineral reserves.
The company is continuously mining the near-surface iron minerals which require dry magnetic separation to achieve the clients specifications.
Other noteworthy news: the Company has contracted PowerScreen of California to build a heavy-duty 8ft x 30ft x 0.05mm cylindrical Trommel screening plant capable of screening out the small iron chips accumulated since the project went into production in November 2010. This equipment should be on-site and ready to begin processing a shipload of sinter fines within the next couple weeks. The balance of iron minerals less than 0.05mm in size shall be sold into the organic mineral fertilizer industry.
CWRN Current Share Structure: The Company has stated that it is not currently providing any Market Awareness nor is it involved with the market in any way. The share price of the Company's stock is solely dictated by the market further to that the share structure has not changed since year 2010, nor does the company intend to participate in any trade programs designed to offer company shares.
Authorized Shares: 6,000,000,000
Outstanding Shares: 4,361,635,980
Restricted Shares: 2,056,610,879
Free Trading Shares: 2,305,025,101
Notes: The Baja Pacific No. 14 - "Mina Guadalupe" is operated by Panamerican Minerals Ventures, S.A. de C.V., Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico.
Related News: China Seaborne Trade, Spot Price Iron Ore may be viewed at the following link:
Metal Bulletin Iron Ore Index Link
CWRN: "Qin Hai Sails with 43.8k/mt Iron Ore for Bao Steel"
BeantwoordenVerwijderenPress Release: Cotton & Western Mining, Inc. – 3 minutes 48 seconds ago
Symbol Price Change
CWRN 0.002 0.00
LAS VEGAS, June 25, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Cotton & Western Mining, Inc. (OTC/Pinksheets: CWRN) -- The Qin Hai Bulk Cargo Vessel sailed out of the Pacific Ocean Port of Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico on June 13, 2012, with a full maximum load 43,829 WMT of Raw Crude Iron Ore sized 1-10mm under contract with Bao Steel. 45,000 WMT remains stockpiled at the port pending dispute resolution with the Mexican Authorities over time lapse in customs. The company began trucking on Oct 24, 2011 through Nov 11, 2011 for a shipping date of Dec 21, 2011; during the month of December, 2011, all iron ore export permits were canceled country wide, and new export regulations became effective overnight. The new iron ore export regulations not only required an iron ore export permit from the Secretary of Economy, but also included a Customs iron ore exporters listing; this entailed a series of Government audits, from the Tax Office, Mining Office, Environmental Agency and from Customs if the company had any prior exports of Iron Ore. Panamerican Minerals Ventures, S.A. de C.V., the Mexico Iron Mining Operator, begin the process of re-qualification to meet the stringent and rigorous new regulations. The Company received the new Secretary of Economy Export Permit in January 2012; however, the audits and other time consuming efforts for Customs listing resulted in the Company becoming one of only a few mining companies authorized to export iron ore from Mexico, on March 6, 2012.
Company News: On June 7, 2012 Robert L. Cotton, resigned as the President of Cotton & Western Mining, Inc. On June 8 2012, Shirley Lee became the new President of the Company. Ms. Lee was formerly a mine owner and operator and was with another company involved in mining and commodity trading. Ms. Lee is very knowledgeable in International Trade and will be of great value to the Company operations. The Company will be applying to NASDAQ for a name change to Pan American Mineral Ventures, Inc. to better reflect is current Mexico mining operations.
Mining Update: Production at the Guadalupe Mining Concession Continues with emphasis on 1-10mm raw crude iron ore products; together, with screening of Sinter Fines from the under sizes of pervious production in form of 0.5-1mm, materials less the 0.5mm will be a by-product for Organic Mineral Fertilizer.
CWRN Current Share Structure: The Company has stated that it is not currently providing any Market Awareness nor is it involved with the market in any way. The share price of the Company's stock is solely dictated by the market further to that the share structure has not changed since year 2010, nor does the company intend to participate in any trade programs designed to offer company shares.
Authorized Shares: 6,000,000,000
Outstanding Shares: 4,361,635,980
Restricted Shares: 2,056,610,879
Free Trading Shares: 2,305,025,101
Notes: The Baja Pacific No. 14 – "Mina Guadalupe" is operated by affiliate Panamerican Minerals Ventures, S.A. de C.V., Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico.