Typical Cross Section
Kuriskova Uranium Deposit - Slovak Republic - 100% interest in licencesThe Kuriskova property consists of 32 square kilometres of mineral licenses situated approximately 10 km northwest of the city of Kosice, a regional industrial centre in East-Central Slovakia. The current uranium resource at Kuriskova, announced in March, 2010 and reviewed, audited and approved by Tetra Tech, Inc. comprises:
28.5 million pounds U3O8 Indicated Resource at an average grade of 0.555% U3O8; and
12.7 million pounds U3O8 Inferred Resource an average grade of 0.185% U3O8 (cut-off of 0.05%U, NI 43-101 compliant).
12.7 million pounds U3O8 Inferred Resource an average grade of 0.185% U3O8 (cut-off of 0.05%U, NI 43-101 compliant).
In June of 2009, Tournigan announced the results of a positive Preliminary Assessment of the Kuriskova deposit prepared by an independent consultant (Pincock Allen and Holt. The study concludes that the Kuriskova project has robust economic potential and could be developed using conventional mining and processing methods (see Preliminary Assessment summary table below).
Current Resource:
On April 26, 2011 Tournigan announced an updated resource estimate for the Kuriskova uranium deposit which increased the amount of uranium contained in the Indicated Resource by 39% and increased the overall size of the deposit. Tetra Tech, Inc., the firm that is conducting the ongoing Prefeasibility Study on Kuriskova, reviewed, audited and approved the updated resource estimate.
Highlights of the updated estimate include:
- About 7.9 million pounds of U3O8 have been added to the Indicated Resource category, increasing the Indicated Resource by 39% to 28.5 million pounds of U3O8;
- Overall the uranium oxide contained in the Kuriskova deposit has increased by 3.1 million pounds of U3O8 and now comprises 28.5 million pounds at 0.555% U3O8 in the Indicated Resource and an additional 12.7 million pounds in Inferred Resource at 0.185% U3O8; and
- Kuriskova remains one of the highest grade known uranium deposits in the world outside of Canada's Athabasca Basin.
Kuriskova Resource Estimate April 2011 - Cut-off 0.05%U | |||||||
U % | Tonnes (000) | % U3O8 | U3O8 lbs (000) | Mo% | Tonnes (000) | Mo lbs (000) * | |
Total Indicated (Main Zone, Hanging wall zone and Zone 45) | 0.471 | 2,328 | 0.555 | 28,487 | .065 | 2,301 | 3,312 |
Total Inferred (Main Zone, Hanging wall zone and Zone 45) | 0.157 | 3,099 | 0.185 | 12,664 | .033 | 2,996 | 2,185 |
* Mo resource numbers represent molybdenum associated with uranium resource blocks above a 0.05%U cutoff
A complete table of the new resource estimate prepared by Tournigan and reviewed, audited and approved by Tetra Tech, Inc., can be viewed on this link: http://www.tournigan.com/i/pdf/20110426-Appendix-A.pdf.
The updated estimate incorporates the results of 18 diamond drill holes totaling 4,548 metres that were drilled since the last resource estimate previously disclosed in a news release dated March 24, 2010. The updated estimate also reflects enhanced understanding of Kuriskova geology which has allowed more detailed structural modeling than was done in the past. The estimate was prepared by Ravi Sharma, Tournigan's manager of resources and reserves, and reviewed, audited and approved by Tetra Tech, Inc. An independent NI 43-101 compliant Technical Report was filed on the Company's profile on www.sedar.com on June 9, 2011. Mr. John W. Rozelle, P.G., is Tetra Tech, Inc.'s Qualified Person (QP) for this updated report and is an independent Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101
To download a PDF version of the full Kuriskova June 2011 resource estimate, click here.
Preliminary Assessment, July 2009
In July of 2009, Tournigan announced the results of a Preliminary Assessment on the Slovakian Kuriskova uranium deposit prepared by independent consultant, Pincock, Allen & Holt. (see news release dated July 27, 2009). The results are summarized in the following table:
Description | Units | Value |
Mine Life | Years | 15 |
Uranium Production (Average First 5 Years) | 000 lbs U3O8/Year | 2,395 |
Uranium Production (Average Life of Mine) | 000 lbs U3O8/Year | 1,382 |
Uranium Recovery | % | 90 |
Uranium Price | US$/lb U3O8 | 65.00 |
Initial Capital Investments (1) | US$ millions | 168 |
Operating Cost - First 5 Years (2) | US$/lb U3O8 | 17 |
Operating Cost (Average Life of Mine) (2) | US$/lb U3O8 | 32 |
Estimated Royalty Payment (Average Life of Mine) | US$/lb U3O8 | 3 |
Net Present Value @ 12% (3) | US$ millions | 135 |
Payback Period* | Years | 1.6 |
Internal Rate of Return (3) | % | 35.8 |
(1) Includes 30% contingency. | ||
(2) Pre-royalty; includes 5% contingency and molybdenum credit at $12.50/lb Mo. | ||
(3) Pre-tax. |
*After commencement of production
To download a PDF version of the full Kuriskova Preliminary Assessment study (13mb), click here.
Project Upside
Tournigan Energy believes that the Kuriskova property has excellent upside potential for expanding the size and overall grade of the deposit through continuing exploration. Of significance is the zone of high-grade uranium mineralization which remains open to the north and east of the currently-defined Indicated Resource.
In addition to targets immediately adjacent to the defined resource, recently completed ground radiometric and radon gas-in-soil surveys indicate the presence of anomalies extending up to 300 meters northwest and 200 meters southeast of the currently defined resource (see 2009-2010 Exploration Map below). Initial drilling of these anomalies led to the discovery of a new zone of high-grade uranium mineralization. This zone, which is called Zone 45, has an average grade of 0.677% U3O8 and remains open along strike. Further drilling of this zone has the potential to add significant amounts of high-grade uranium mineralization to the resource. In addition, there are other anomalies within the Kuriskova license which lead Tournigan to believe that there is potential to continue increasing the size of the deposit both immediately adjacent to the currently defined Kuriskova resource and in the surrounding exploration licemse.
The Preliminary Assessment projects a nominal mining rate of 750-800 tonnes of mineralized material per day using the underhand cut and fill mining method with paste backfill. As further geotechnical and hydrogeological data for the project area are obtained, it may be possible to modify the mining method and increase the daily production rate and lower mining operating costs. Exploration success may add to the size and overall grade of the deposit which could also contribute to a higher production rate and lower unit mining costs.
Other areas of upside for the project include: (1) reducing the project's preproduction period and possibly construction capital cost, and (2) optimizing the process plant flowsheet and operating costs.
verplaatst van algemeen Ur-draadje:
Anoniem zei:
Technische vraag op Stockhouse.
Meer iets voor jou Precies ?!
HAT would require a CAPEX of around $567 million and has a NPV of around $1 Billion assumming $70/lbs uranium costs and a global resources of 57 milion lbs of uranium.
When compared to TVC, What I found confusing is the huge difference is capex requirement and NPV.
TVC has a very significant lower capex when compared to HAT. Why?
TVC is assigned a significantly lower NPV of around $110 million (though for only 14 million pounds as at 2009) which would imply a NPV of around $220 million since they have doubled the resource since the 2009 PEA study for 28 million lbs in the indicated and a global resource of around 40 million lbs.
31 oktober 2011 08:41
BeantwoordenVerwijderenIk weet niet op welke basisgegevens de NPV (huidige netto contante waarde) van HAT is berekend, daar kan ik dus weinig over zeggen.
Ik weet wel dat HAT absoluut nog geen bewezen reserves van meer dan 50 miljoen pond heeft.
De basisgegevens van TVC staan hierboven en zijn in ieder geval niet actueel, ze worden begin 2012 bijgewerkt.
Wat betreft het kapitaal dat nodig is om een mijn te starten:
TVC heeft minstens 2 potentiële ondergrondse mijnen, waarvan 1 bestaande, waarschijnlijk zijn er ook nog verwerkingsinstallaties.
De loonkosten zijn laag in Slowakije en de infrastructuur is prima.
Er hoeft bv geen apart dorp gebouwd worden om de arbeiders te huisvesten, etc.etc.
Het grote voordeel van een ondergrondse mijn is de zeer kleine grondverplaatsing en een plek om afvalgesteente op te slaan, waardoor na uitputting de mijnomgeving geheel hersteld kan worden in oude staat.
HAT daarentegen moet in de 'middle-of-nowhere' en bovendien zeer waterrijk gebied alles uit de grond stampen en bv een put graven van bijna 300 m diep.
Mijnbouw in Canada is gewoon ontzettend duur omdat het een absurd groot en onherbergzaam land is en omdat de lonen enorm hoog zijn.
Zelfs de kantinejuffrouw krijgt een enorm salaris omdat er anders niemand 'in de rimboe' wil werken.
2011 Exploration
BeantwoordenVerwijderenOn January 14, 2011, Tournigan began its current drilling program with the objective of upgrading and expanding the Kuriskova uranium resource. Three holes of the 2011 drill program completed to date (March, 2011) total 1,450 metres of an initial 4,500 metre drilling program.
Tournigan announced the results of infill drill hole LE-K-64 on February 2, 2011 and on March 7, the results of infill holes LE-K-65 and LE-K-66, all located within the Main Zone South of the Kuriskova deposit. Highlights of these results are:
Hole LE-K-65: 0.7 metres at 0.335% eU3O8;
Hole LE-K-66: 1.6 metres at 0.688% eU3O8 including 0.2 metres at 2.264% eU3O8 and 0.7 metres at 0.783% eU3O8;
Hole LE-K-64 had an intercept of 2.6 metres at 0.793% eU3O8 including 0.7 metres at 2.096% eU3O8, the highest grade uranium intercept in the Main Zone South area;
All three infill holes intersected higher grade uranium mineralization compared to the current Inferred Resource model grade of 0.174% eU3O8 in this part of the deposit;
These holes are expected to have a beneficial impact on current resource grade and upgrade Inferred Resources to the Indicated category; and,
Results confirm the thickness and geological interpretation of the resource model and increase confidence in the current resource model.
The Kuriskova resource model is being re-estimated with the inclusion of 2010 and 2011 drilling results as part of the ongoing Prefeasibility Study being done by Tetra Tech.
Uranium grades presented above are reported as equivalent uranium oxide (eU3O8 %) based on downhole radiometric logging. The logging was performed by Koral, s.r.o. of Slovakia. Drill core samples are being submitted to the Laboratory of the Geological Survey in Slovakia (SGUDS) and ALS Chemex in Seville, Spain for chemical assay. Drill intercepts are reported as drilled; true thicknesses have not yet been calculated. Quality Control and Quality Assurance is provided by Ravi Sharma, Tournigan's Manager, Resources and Reserves, who is a Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101 and has reviewed and approved the technical disclosure contained in this news release.
Location, Access and Infrastructure
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThe Kuriskova property consists of 32 km2 of mineral claims approximately 10 km northwest of the city of Košice, a regional industrial centre in eastern Slovakia. The property, which is easily accessible, lies close to the main road between Košice in the southeast and the town of Spišska Nová Ves in the northwest. The project is accessible off the main road along a network of minor, unsurfaced tracks that traverse the forest, and give access to the project area.
Tournigan acquired a 100% interest in the Kuriskova uranium deposit and surrounding claims in 2005. Uranium mineralization was originally discovered at Kuriskova in 1985. Up to the time of the demise of the Soviet Union in 1989, all uranium exploration and mining in Czechoslovakia was conducted by State-owned organizations. In 1993 the state of Czechoslovakia split into the countries of the Czech and Slovak Republics. Work on state funded projects such as the Kuriskova deposits stopped in 1996 when the country returned to a market economy system and the state was unable to keep funding its mining projects.
The Kuriskova uranium deposit is part of a belt of largely strata-bound uranium-molybdenum deposits hosted in a sequence of Permian-age meta-volcanic/sedimentary rocks in eastern Slovakia. The deposit has a northwest-southeast strike, and a variably steep-moderate southwest dip (60 degrees in the upper part, 47 degrees in the lower part). The overall dimensions of the main zone of the deposit established to date by drilling, start about 120 metres below the surface and extend to a depth of approximately 650 metres below surface. The deposit has been defined approximately 650 metres along strike by 530 metres down-dip by 2.5 metres thick.
Uranium and molybdenum mineralization is localized along the contact of overlying (younger) metamorphosed volcanic rocks and an underlying (older) unit of metamorphosed sediments (shales and quartzites) - see figure above. Most of the mineralization occurs within an andesitic volcanic unit and is only rarely observed in the underlying sediments.
On a regional scale, the volcanic-sedimentary package that hosts the Kuriskova resource is Permian in age and lies within a large regional syncline (u-shaped fold) that is further deformed by sets of thrust and reverse faults and high-angle normal faults. The mineralized horizon appears to have repeated several times by stacked thrust and/or faults.
Energy Policy of Slovakia
On October 15, 2008, the Slovakian government approved a Strategy of Energy Security for the Slovak Republic. This strategy emphasizes the continued use of nuclear generated power as part of the country's energy mix and states:
"Legislative and economic support of efficient and rational use of domestic sources of uranium ores has the potential to decrease the country's considerable dependency on supplies of energy resources."
In 2007, approximately 55% of Slovakia's power production of 14,200 million kilowatt-hours was produced from nuclear power plants with a total capacity of 1,685 MW from four operating reactors. Slovakia is the world's third highest per capita consumer of nuclear generated power after France and Lithuania (World Nuclear Association, 2009). Slovakia's current uranium consumption is 313 tonnes per year. This does not include any future uranium requirements for reactors under construction or being proposed.
Leuk zo'n apart draadje.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenResumé wordt het verschil in waardering Hathor en Tournigan vreemder en vreemder.
Toch maar weer wat bijkopen vanmiddag......
ALS (!) dit aandeel ontdekt wordt KAN het wel eens heel hard gaan.
Zag trouwens net dat de koers van TVC in 2007
BeantwoordenVerwijderenCAD 4,50 was !!!!!
Een all time high zal er dus voorlopig niet in zitten............
Precies, kreeg net leuke reactie van de IR afdeling op aantal vragen.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenPositief, maar ja, verwacht ook geen negatief verhaal van IR man bedrijf.
Wow, shareprice is a mess !
Yesterday CAD 0,085 with big volume. Scary.
Don't understand it because recent news was pretty good.
How is the cash position right now ?
No dilution of shares to expect ?
When is more news to expect which could be move the shareprice ?
In Slowakia are 6 nuclear reactors.
Is there any danger that they will be closed like they did in Germany ?
If not, they need uranium.
When we look at the current marketcapitalisation of Tournigan the uranium is worth almost NOTHING ! Explanation ?
Are there enviromental problems to expect when eventually building a mine ?
Hope for a reaction !
I want to buy more with this idiot SP.....
BeantwoordenVerwijderendat was een mooie actie, die geheel bevestigt wat we al wisten of vermoedden, zoals bv de 'small impact mine' en de grote verkoper.
De waardering van TVC is zo vreselijk laag dat sommige potentiële kopers niet durven te kopen, omdat ze vrezen dat er iets mis is met het bedrijf.
Het enige wat ik nog graag zou willen weten is hoe en waar ze het erts gaan verwerken en hoeveel die 'mill' moet kosten.
Je kunt dergelijke vragen stellen bij :
Net 100.000 bijgekocht op CAD 0,08.
Inmiddels market cap 15,5 miljoen.
Dus ± 12,5 miljoen cash.
Precies, werk aan de winkel ?!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenLAs eerst deze reactie op Stockhouse :
great info. I have been following this off and on for a few years. There's one question you missed. The elephant in the room the big boys know about. You need to do some more dd.
Great deposit....... but.....
Daarop vroeg in natuurlijk, wat bedoel je !
Toen deze reactie :
google the names of the small towns around their big deposit, in reference to tvc and their sister co.
Kan natuurlijk allemaal onzin zijn maar toch.
Jij enig idee wat hij bedoelt ?
Zal een Googelen a la Sherlock Holmes.
Zou het gaan om in het verleden al gedane bezwaren in de buurt tegen de bouw van de (ondergrondse) mijn ?
Volgens de Wiki is er zelfs al een producerende mijn..!!! (lol): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kuriskova_mine
Verder kan ik alleen wat protesten vinden uit 2006/2007.
Tenslotte wijs ik erop dat Sprott een flink belang heeft genomen in TVC.
18 novembre 2008
BeantwoordenVerwijderenSprott Resource Corp. announces acquisition of additional shares of Tournigan Energy Ltd.
TORONTO, Nov. 18 /CNW/ - (TSX:SCP) - Sprott Resource Corp. ("SRC")
acquired beneficial ownership of 12,918,750 common shares (the "Common
Shares") of Tournigan Energy Ltd. (TSXV:TVC), representing approximately
10.53% of the outstanding Common Shares, on November 11, 2008 through the facilities of the Toronto Stock Exchange. These Common Shares are held through SRC's discretionary managed account with Sprott Asset Management Inc. Sprott Asset Management Inc. is the portfolio manager of the managed account and exercises control and direction over the Common Shares.
With these newly acquired Common Shares, SRC beneficially holds
15,986,250 Common Shares or approximately 12.96% of the outstanding Common Shares, all held in the managed account controlled and directed by Sprott Asset Management Inc.. The Common Shares were acquired beneficially through SRC's managed account for investment purposes. SRC, directly or through the managed account, may acquire additional Common Shares depending on market
conditions and other relevant factors.
Duur grapje voor Sprott.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenIn november 2008 stond TVC ± CAD 1,50
Al gauw een investering van 25 miljoen.
Die 10% is nu 1,8 miljoen waard.....
Als ze dus nog steeds in TVC geloven is bijkopen op deze koers wel aannemelijk.
Een ander (redelijk) actief forum over Tournigan vond ik hier (in het Duits);
Handige tip; als je Google chrome gebruikt als browser, dan krijg je bovenin direct de vraag of je de pagina in het Nederlands wilt vertalen.
En weer een hoger bod op Hathor !!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenKan iemand Cameco bellen dat Tournigan toch ook echt een "snoepje" is.
Niet tegen elk aannemelijk bod......
Iets meer, CAD 0,50 om te beginnen.
Nov 14 (Reuters) - Uranium producer Cameco Corp raised its offer for Hathor Exploration Ltd to C$4.50 per share Monday, taking on a friendly deal the exploration company has with giant global miner Rio Tinto .
The new offer from Canada's largest uranium producer values the smaller company at about C$625 million ($614 million). Cameco's offer will expire on Nov. 29.
In October, Rio Tinto bid C$578 million, or C$4.15 a share, for Hathor, topping Cameco's original C$3.75 a share offer. Hathor's board has backed Rio's offer.
At stake is Hathor's large exploration-stage Roughrider project in the uranium-rich Athabasca region of Saskatchewan in Western Canada.
Shares of Hathor have risen about 67 percent since the day before Cameco's offer was first announced. The stock closed at at C$4.47 on Friday on the Toronto Stock Exchange.
Koers Tournigan gisteren op CAD 0,11.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenZiet er al weer wat beter uit dan de CAD 0,08 van afgelopen week.
Redelijk volume ook.
Koers voor ramp Japan was CAD 0,50.
Enige reden waarom de koers daar weer niet naar toe kan de komende maanden ?!
Of zullen de grote jongens eerder willen toestaan ?
Lijkt toch een koopje.....
Sssst. Als het goed gaat moet je hier nooit iets over zeggen. Net als: goh gelukkig heeft het de hele dag al niet geregend.. Daarom zie je mensen meestal op fora als het slecht gaat, vragen stellende ;-).
BeantwoordenVerwijderenAlle uranium-aandelen zijn zwaar getroffen toen met Japan. Heb toen aardig wat aandelen ingekocht, bijvoorbeeld Fission. Ik ga nu richting de 50% winst. Maar wat Tournigan betreft weet ik het even niet. Lijkt alsof er iets is wat we over het hoofd zien ofzo. En dan heb ik het niet over de macro-economische situatie/illusie.
Tsja, Hendrik, wat zien we over het hoofd ?
BeantwoordenVerwijderenWeet niet of er iets is......
Koers stond toch voor ramp Japan in de buurt van de CAD 0,50.
Daarna op zich geen slecht bedrijfsmatig nieuws
geweest, integendeel.
We hebben natuurlijk veel vaker aandelen heel laag zien staan. Achteraf bleek ook dat er geen slecht nieuws was, alleen weinig kopers.
En bij een bepaalde "trigger" kan dat heel snel veranderen.
En dan wil "iedereen" ze hebben......
Het uranium dat er ligt zal toch interessant worden voor partijen.
Laten we daar dus maar op wachten.
Hendrik, verhaal lijkt duidelijk door onderstaande posting op Stockhouse.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenPunt is dus de vergunning !
Als die er komt kan/zal de koers exploderen.
Precies, heb jij op basis van ervaringen in soortgelijke situaties (?) een inschatting van de kans op die vergunning ?
The Kuriskova uranium deposit is world class. They have the goods. The national energy strategy is on favor of 'energy security.' they are dependent on Russia for gas and uranium. They took a huge hit two years back on gas. Local resistance to the mine at Kuriskova. But Slovakia get more than 50%, headed in the direction of 60% once the new reactors at Mochovce are finished. But we just don't know if they'll get the license. THat's the whole deal. Was up in the .40 before Fukushima. Worry over how this will playout in the effort to license the mine drove it down to .08 cents. They get the license, huge upside; absolutely huge. The new reactors need uranium; domestic supply means huge saving and not being held hsotage to Russia. Plus, even if Germany pulls back, France continues to build. ONly uranium mining, i think, in Europe is in Czech Republic.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenlees dit draadje nog maar eens na, de vergunning is al meerdere malen besproken.
Ik kan daar weinig aan toevoegen bij gebrek aan nieuwe info.
Ik zou zeggen dat een land dat vergunningen heeft afgegeven voor 4 a 6 kerncentrales, geen problemen zal hebben met een praktisch onzichtbare ondergrondse mijn (TVC heeft trouwens al een ondergrondse mijn in bezit), mits er natuurlijk een goed plan op tafel ligt dat voldoet aan alle milieu-eisen.
Afval (tailings) is geen probleem, dat wordt immers weer keurig ondergronds opgeborgen (waar het vandaan kwam).
Dan zie ik steeds minder "beren op de weg".
BeantwoordenVerwijderenBlijft wel verbazingwekkend dat er veel verkoopdruk blijft en blijkbaar te weinig kopers om aandeel hoger te zetten......
Als de vergunning er komt kan het wel eens heel hard gaan.
Waarom slaat een grote speler, die de vergunningsaanvraag wel enigzins kan inschatten, niet NU toe op dit soort idiote koersen ?
BeantwoordenVerwijderenMinder beren op de weg; 2 beren of 100 beren, het blijven beren op de weg. In een tijd waarin de beste aandelen/bedrijven (met 100 berenjagers op de weg zelfs en 0 beren) goedkoop zijn, zijn aandelen die WELLICHT veel winst op kunnen leveren, natuurlijk broertje dood.
Ik heb zelf nog geen Tournigan, maar vind het wel een interessant bedrijf.
Hendrik, klopt natuurlijk.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenZie nu alleen een situatie waarbij bedrijf zeer veel uranium heeft gevonden, de gewillige afnemers, ook op lange termijn, zitten om de hoek. En de overheid heeft een groot economisch en politiek belang. Allemaal plus.
In de huidige situatie is al dat potentiele uranium bijan niets waard.
Dus ALS de vergunning rond komt, en daar twijfel ik niet aan, kan de koers zeker
x 5 - 10.............
Dus leuke "gok" voor mij.
Uiteraard zijn er veel meer fraaie beleggingsmogelijkheden.
Maar de beren zijn bijna overal.
kreeg net binnen van IR Tournigan.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenmoet nog even aandachtig lezen.
samenwerling met AREVA !
News Release - Wednesday, December 07, 2011
Tournigan Forges Alliance With Areva, Acquires Scandinavian Uranium Assets
Vancouver, December 7, 2011 - Tournigan Energy Ltd. (TVC: TSX-V; TGP: Frankfurt) is pleased to announce the following transactions:
• Tournigan to undertake an exclusive private placement of 14,285,714 units with AREVA for proceeds of $1,000,000;
• Tournigan to enter into a Technical Services Agreement with AREVA whereby AREVA will perform a work program comprising metallurgical and environmental test work to be part of the Kuriskova feasibility study;
• AREVA to nominate a representative to the Tournigan board;
• Tournigan to acquire all of Mawson Resources Ltd.'s (MAW: TSX) right, title and interest in and to 7 uranium exploration projects located in Sweden and Finland for aggregate consideration of 53,639,848 common shares of Tournigan; and
• Tournigan to change its name to European Uranium Resources Ltd. and to complete a consolidation of its shares on a 1 new for 5 old basis.
"Europe has 186 nuclear power plants in operation and 19 new plants under construction. At this time, there is only one operating uranium mine within the European Union, in the Czech Republic. Clearly, Europe has an urgent need to develop sustainable uranium production. European Uranium Resources will be the key uranium exploration company focused in Europe, the region with the world's largest per capita consumption of uranium" said Dorian L. (Dusty) Nicol, Tournigan's President and CEO.
"On completion of these transactions, the Company will have a greatly increased uranium portfolio throughout Europe and will have established a strong working relationship with AREVA, ranked first in the global nuclear power industry and key player in uranium mining. This relationship will assist the Company in the exploration and development of its properties, including the Company's flagship Kuriskova uranium project in Slovakia on which we plan to begin a feasibility study early next year."
The Acquisition
Tournigan has signed a non-binding letter of intent (the "Mawson Agreement") with Mawson Resources Ltd. ("Mawson") to purchase all of the issued shares of a Swedish corporation wholly owned by Mawson ("Mawson Sweden") for aggregate consideration of 53,639,848 common shares of Tournigan (the "TVC Shares").
Mawson will agree to distribute the TVC Shares on a pro-rata basis to the Mawson shareholders at some point in the future pursuant to a plan of arrangement. Until then Mawson has agreed that the TVC Shares will not have voting rights.
The Private Placement
The Company has offered AREVA, and AREVA has agreed to complete, an exclusive non-brokered private placement to raise $1,000,000 through the issuance of 14,285,714 units at a price of $0.07 per unit (the "Unit"). Each Unit will consist of one common share and one non-transferable common share purchase warrant, with each warrant entitling AREVA to purchase one additional common share in the capital of the Company at a price of $0.20 for a period of 3 years.
En nu maar hopen dat Tournigan een van duurste Uranium aandelen wordt ?!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenMaar goed, een partner als uraniumexpert/bedrijf AREVA (met veel cash)lijkt mij niet verkeerd......
Vancouver, December 7, 2011 - Tournigan Energy Ltd. (TVC: TSX-V; TGP: Frankfurt) is pleased to announce the following transactions:
• Tournigan to undertake an exclusive private placement of 14,285,714 units with AREVA for proceeds of $1,000,000;
• Tournigan to enter into a Technical Services Agreement with AREVA whereby AREVA will perform a work program comprising metallurgical and environmental test work to be part of the Kuriskova feasibility study;
• AREVA to nominate a representative to the Tournigan board;
• Tournigan to acquire all of Mawson Resources Ltd.'s (MAW: TSX) right, title and interest in and to 7 uranium exploration projects located in Sweden and Finland for aggregate consideration of 53,639,848 common shares of Tournigan; and
• Tournigan to change its name to European Uranium Resources Ltd. and to complete a consolidation of its shares on a 1 new for 5 old basis.
zie verder persbericht !!!
Precies, toch wel erg benieuwd naar wat jij van de AREVA ontwikkeling vindt ?!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenAREVA sterke partij, stappen toch niet zomaar in ?
Waarom dan private placement tegen koers CAD 0,07 ?
Zou AREVA ook inschatting gemaakt hebben van kans op vergunning bouwen mijn, waarom anders meedoen ?
Koers nieuw bedrijf CAD 0,50, waarom die "consolidation", visueel fraaier ?
Koersreactie gematigd positief...
BeantwoordenVerwijderenAreva wil graag op de eerste rang zitten en alles goed in de gaten houden, ze hebben daar graag 1 miljoen voor over.
Anderzijds wil TVC graag erkenning krijgen als serieuze partij en geeft dus goedkope aandelen aan Areva, verdere financiering wordt daardoor makkelijker.
De overname van Ur-belangen in Finland en Zweden is leuk voor de risicospreiding, maar helaas is er geen geld voor exploratie.
Waarschijnlijk zal men tzt een samenwerking aangaan met plaatselijke kerncentrales.
Tzt worden de meer dan 50 miljoen nieuwe aandelen vrij verhandelbaar, dat is minder prettig.
Nou het is bijna zover.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenKoers Tournigan CAD 0,07.
Market cap dus nagenoeg gelijk aan cashpositie.
Waarom zou AREVA niet gewoon het bedrijf kopen ?
Of die vergunning komt zal intern echt wel bekend zijn.
En het uranium en de gemotiveerde kopers er van zijn aanwezig......
BeantwoordenVerwijderenAreva heeft een vinger in de pap gestoken, dat is zeer positief.
Voor een bod is het veel te vroeg.
En die vergunning is nog niet eens aangevraagd, laat staan dat iemand zou weten of die met 100% zekerheid verleend zou worden, in een democratisch land is er nooit zekerheid vooraf over een (mijn)vergunning, ook niet in (b.v.) Canada.
Dec. 28, 2011, 8:00 a.m. EST
BeantwoordenVerwijderenTournigan Update
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Dec 28, 2011 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Tournigan Energy Ltd. (tvc:TSX-V)(tgp:Frankfurt) Tournigan is pleased to announce that it has signed a binding agreement with Mawson Resources Ltd. respecting the transactions with Mawson described in its news release dated December 7, 2011. This binding agreement supersedes the letter of intent described in that release.
Under the agreement, Tournigan will acquire all of Mawson Resources Ltd.'s right, title and interest in and to seven uranium exploration projects located in Sweden and Finland for total consideration of 53,639,848 common shares of Tournigan. Mawson will distribute the Tournigan shares on a pro rata basis to its shareholders pursuant to a plan of arrangement prior to April 30, 2012. Until then, Mawson has agreed not to exercise the voting rights attaching to the Tournigan shares.
Tournigan has received approval from the TSX Venture Exchange to close the private placement with an affiliate of AREVA and expects to do so in early January 2012 concurrent with entering into a technical services agreement with AREVA.
Further details respecting these transactions are contained in Tournigan's December 7, 2011 news release.
Several investors have sent emails asking when the 5:1 share consolidation and name change to European Uranium Resources Ltd. will take place. We will likely wait until after the acquisition of the Mawson Swedish/Finnish assets occurs in the first quarter of 2012. Sorry we can be more specific but the timing is not certain at this point. We will announce our intentions as to timing as soon as we know.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenDoris Meyer, CFO
Tournigan Energy Ltd.
Kreeg dit bericht.
Koers hersteld iets, van CAD 0,065 naar gisteren CAD 0,10.
Binnenkort maar even afscheid nemen want heb erg slechte ervaringen met Reverse Splits.
Hier dus 5:1.
Visueel dus duurder aandeel. Slaat eigenlijk nergens op (fundamenten wijzigen niet) maar zag toch wel erg vaak een daling na zo'n split.
Wat zijn jullie ervaringen op dit vlak ?
BeantwoordenVerwijderenik heb dezelfde ervaringen met omgekeerde splits, maar dan vooral in NL, waar de pennystockgokkers in zo'n geval vaak uitstappen.
De timing van uit- en weer instappen is niet makkelijk, zeker als er nieuws uitkomt, maar je kan het allicht proberen.
Door de gelijktijdige naamswijziging ontstaat er in feite een geheel nieuw aandeel, met alle voor- en nadelen, die simpelweg niet in te schatten zijn.
Leuk artikel.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenOok wat koersherstel......
Title: Tournigan PDAC article
An interview with Dorian (Dusty) Nicol, President and CEO of Tournigan Energy Ltd. (TVC:TSXV) will be published in Resource Intelligence magazine that will be handed out at the March 2012 PDAC. We hope you find it interesting.
Click here to read the interview:
Dorian L. (Dusty) Nicol President & CeO
BeantwoordenVerwijderenTournigan Energy Ltd (TSXV:TVC) is an exploration
and development company that has built a portfolio
of highly prospective uranium projects in Slovakia. By
the first quarter of 2012 Tournigan will complete its relaunch as an advanced stage pure-play uranium company
called European Uranium Resources Ltd with projects in
Slovakia, Sweden and Finland. Europe has 186 nuclear
power plants in operation and 19 new plants under
construction and there is only one operating uranium
mine within the European Union, in the Czech Republic.
Clearly, Europe, a region with the world’s largest per
capita consumption of uranium, has an urgent need to
develop uranium production.
Resource Intelligence: Kuriskova in East
Central Slovakia is your flagship property. Could
you update us on the latest resource estimates?
Dusty Nicol: The June 2011 estimate, compared
to the earlier resource estimate, added 39% to the
Indicated Resource (increasing it to 28.5 million
lbs of U3O8 at a grade of 0.555% U3O8). With
the additional 12.7 million lbs of U3O8 in Inferred
Resource at a grade of 0.185% U3O8, this estimate
increased the overall resource at Kuriskova by 3.1
million lbs of U3O8 and ongoing metallurgical test
work has confirmed uranium recoveries of 93-94%.
RI: Could you give investors a sense of how
significant this uranium deposit is?
DN: Kuriskova is one of the highest grade
undeveloped uranium deposits in the world. By
comparison, Strathmore’s Roca Honda project
in New Mexico that is being developed in joint
venture with Sumitomo Corp, has measured
and indicated resources of 3.7 million tonnes
at an average grade of 0.23% containing 17.5
million lbs of U308. Kuriskova could supply all
of Slovakia’s domestic consumption of 300 tonnes
of uranium metal per year, with the remainder
available for export. The fact that Slovakia
depends on nuclear energy for close to 50% of
its power makes Kuriskova a very significant and
strategically important deposit for Slovakia.
RI: What stage is the Kuriskova project at now and
what are your priorities for the project in 2012?
DN: We will begin the Feasibility Study which will
take between 18 to 24 months to finish and we will
drill test some of the exciting exploration targets
that have been identified within the Kuriskova
project area. There is significant growth potential
beyond the current defined mineral resources.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenRI: Aside from increasing the resource estimate
at Kuriskova, what other milestones did the
Company achieve last year?
DN: The Company completed an initial resource
estimate at the Novaveska Huta project also
located in East Central Slovakia in October 2011,
adding pounds of U308 to our resource inventory
and the project is open to the east and north.
A very significant milestone happened in
December 2011 when we formed a strategic
alliance with AREVA and welcomed them as
a shareholder. Andreas Mittler, Vice President,
Expertise and Projects Department of AREVA
Mines joined our board of directors. Tournigan has
entered into a technical services agreement with
AREVA to perform a work program comprising
metallurgical and environmental test work to be
part of the Kuriskova feasibility study. AREVA’s
public alliance and their technical expertise should
also assist Tournigan in the permitting process for
the project.
RI: It will be a year this March since the Fukushima
nuclear accident and it has affected share prices of
uranium companies including Tournigan’s. Do
you see this as a short-term problem?
DN: The Fukushima accident affected all uranium
equities, including ours. Fortunately we were well
funded and we have not sought to raise equity
financing since that accident. Tournigan will
continue to build on the fundamental value of
its projects to position it for a market revaluation
upon an improvement in uranium prices.
RI: What would you tell investors who might
be discouraged from investing in uranium
exploration companies because of Fukushima?
BeantwoordenVerwijderenDN: I think that the effects of Fukushima
will be mitigated by the mid- to longer-term
outlook and demand for uranium. Despite some
countries making what must be viewed as a
politically driven decision to abandon – or stated
intention to abandon – nuclear power, the annual
consumption of those countries is insignificant
when compared to China and India. Currently
China is constructing 26 nuclear reactors, which
are 42% of global construction. There is no real
substitute for nuclear energy in the fast-growing
Chinese economy. Russia and India continue
construction of reactors and it is said that Russia
will halt exports of uranium in 2013, which will
decrease supply that can’t currently be made up
elsewhere. It is hard to imagine an energy mix
for the world that does not include a significant
nuclear component.
RI: What can investors expect from Tournigan
over the next 12 to 18 months?
DN: We will advance the Feasibility Study at
Kuriskova and continue to add to our uranium
resource inventory in Slovakia, Sweden and
Finland. There is often an excessive lag in the
valuations of some companies between preliminary
feasibility studies and bankable feasibility studies
that provides investment openings because
resource inventories often continue to grow
between the two studies. We hope that is the case
with Tournigan as well.
RI: What would differentiate Tournigan from
other players in the field of uranium exploration?
Is there anything else you’d like to tell investors?
DN: European Uranium Resources Ltd will be
an advanced stage pure-play uranium company
focused in Europe well placed to benefit from an
increase in the price of uranium.
Tournigan says Kuriskova could be among world's lowest-cost uranium producers
BeantwoordenVerwijderenMon 11:13 am by Joyanta Acharjee
Tournigan Energy (CVE:TVC) Monday unveiled the "robust economics" of its flagship Kuriskova high-grade uranium deposit in Slovakia in a new preliminary feasibility study (PFS).
Monday morning, Tournigan shares were up 5.5 percent to $0.09.
The study gave Kuriskova a pre-tax internal rate of return of 30.8 percent, a 1.9-year payback period, and a net present value of $277 million at an eight percent discount rate.
Tournigan also said the indicated resource at the Slovakia uranium deposit has increased 94 percent to 28.5 million pounds since a 2009 preliminary economic assessment (PEA) and uranium grade was up 62 percent from the earlier PEA to 0.408% uranium concentrate.
Based on estimated indicated resources, mineral reserves were estimated at 2.5 million tonnes at an average grade of 0.346% uranium, which was determined to provide an underground mining rate of about 210,000 tonnes of ore per year for around 13 years.
Life-of-mine uranium concentrate production was estimated at 20.9 million pounds, or 9,500 tonnes.
Tournigan's president and chief executive officer, Dorian L. Nicol, said: "We are very pleased with these results. They demonstrate that the Kuriskova project has the potential to be among the lowest cost uranium producers in the world.
"The PFS not only illustrates the robust economics of the Kuriskova project but also the competitive advantages it has over other uranium projects as a result of its high-grade resource and relatively low operating cost estimates."
Initial capital costs for Tournigan's Kuriskova project are seen at $225 million, which includes owner's costs and a contingency of $31 million. During the 13-year life of mine, there will be sustaining capital requirements of about $71 million, the company said.
Tournigan also indicated a 92 percent uranium recovery rate and 26 percent-lower life of mine operating costs.
The PFS estimates $22.98 per pound uranium life-of-mine operating costs and $16.68 per pound costs during the first four years of production.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenLooking ahead, Nicol continued: "Our next step is, working with our strategic partner AREVA, to begin a feasibility study and environmental assessment study that will continue to define project parameters to a higher degree of confidence and allow the permitting of the project to begin.
"The development of the Kuriskova uranium project could provide Slovakia with a secure source of uranium for approximately 30 years at its current consumption rate."
AREVA SA (EPA:AREVA) is a French nuclear energy powerhouse that is partnering with Tournigan. In December, Tournigan announced a number of transactions in an effort to expand its uranium presence in Europe, including the formation of an alliance with Areva and the purchase of seven uranium properties in Finland and Sweden from Mawson Resources (TSE:MAW).
Tournigan said that according to the PFS for Kuriskova, the project can be best developed as an underground mine/processing facility, with a very small surface footprint using the best available technologies in its mining and processing operations.
The uranium explorer also said that there were multiple exploration targets within the Kuriskova license area, with the potential to expand the resource base and extend project life.
The PFS was prepared by independent consultant Tetra Tech.
Tournigan said it was planning an exploration program to continue testing multiple uranium exploration targets within the Kuriskova license area.
Exploration success would likely add resources that could be accessed from the planned Kuriskova infrastructure, and Tournigan said it will conduct further step-out exploration drilling where the high-grade mineralization is open along strike and at depth.
Tournigan is a uranium exploration and development company. Its flagship asset is the Kuriskova uranium deposit in Slovakia, which is among the highest-grade uranium deposits in the world.
Slovakia currently has four nuclear reactors generating half of its electricity, with two more reactors planned or under construction.
OK, vanaf gisteren bestaat Tournigan dus niet meer !
BeantwoordenVerwijderenMaar.............nieuwe kansen met European Uranium Resources.
Incl reverse stock split 5:1
Aandelen aandelen dus even delen door 5.
Hopen maar dat de Tournigan koers dus ook minimaal x 5 gaat !
Tournigan Takes Final Steps to Become European Uranium Resources Ltd.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenPress Release: Tournigan Energy Ltd. – Wed, Feb 22, 2012 7:30 AM EST
Symbol Price Change
TVC.V 0.09 +0.00
VANCOUVER, British Columbia--(BUSINESS WIRE)--
Tournigan Energy Ltd. (TVC: TSX-V; TGP: Frankfurt). As first announced on December 7, 2011, Tournigan is taking the final steps to form a strategic alliance with AREVA, the French nuclear energy and uranium mining conglomerate, and acquire seven uranium properties from Mawson Resources Ltd. located in Sweden and Finland. The record date will be March 1, 2012, for the consolidation of the common shares of Tournigan on a 5 old for 1 new basis and its name will be changed to European Uranium Resources Ltd. At the opening of trading on March 1, 2012, the Company will trade on the TSX Venture Exchange as EUU.
On February 29, 2012, Tournigan will issue 53,639,848 common shares to Mawson Resources Ltd. Mawson will distribute the Tournigan shares on a pro rata basis to its shareholders pursuant to a plan of arrangement prior to April 30, 2012. Until then, Mawson has agreed not to exercise the voting rights attaching to the Tournigan shares.
“We have been preparing for this re-launch of the Company as an advanced stage pure-play uranium company called European Uranium Resources Ltd with projects in Slovakia, Sweden and Finland. Europe has 186 nuclear power plants in operation and 19 new plants under construction and there is only one operating uranium mine within the European Union, in the Czech Republic. Clearly, Europe, a region with the world’s largest per capita consumption of uranium, has an urgent need to develop uranium production” said Dorian L. (Dusty) Nicol, Tournigan’s president and chief executive officer.
Vancouver, March 1, 2012 - European Uranium Resources Ltd. (EUU: TSX-V; TGP: Frankfurt) (formerly Tournigan Energy Ltd.) began trading as EUU this morning. The company is well placed to become the key uranium exploration and development company in Europe. Europe is the world's largest per capita consumer of uranium with 160 operating reactors and more under construction or planned but with only one currently operating uranium mine, located in the Czech Republic.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThe company has assembled a portfolio of outstanding uranium projects in Slovakia, Sweden and Finland at all stages of the exploration / development pipeline. The flagship property is the high-grade Kuriskova project in Slovakia. A recently completed prefeasibility study demonstrates that Kuriskova could be one of the lowest cost uranium producers in the world. European Uranium Resources Ltd. has a strong base of supportive shareholders, including AREVA, ranked first in the global nuclear power industry and a key player in uranium mining. The company is well-funded, with $8.5 million cash at December 31, 2011.
Over the next twelve to eighteen months the Company expects to:
Advance the feasibility study and associated environmental impact studies at the Kuriskova project;
Based on the outstanding results of the Kuriskova prefeasibility study, explore the possibility of arranging a production off-take agreement or joint venture to fund completion of the feasibility study;
Define the structure which allows uranium production from Kuriskova to be developed for the benefit of Slovakia's energy future. This could be a production off-take arrangement with Slovakia or a partnership with a Slovak entity;
Conduct exploration drilling on the Kuriskova project;
Conduct exploration programs on the other Slovak uranium prospects; and
Advance exploration on the newly acquired Swedish and Finland prospects.
Hmm, 8,5 miljoen 31-12-2011...
Private placement binnen 3 maanden tegen 35 cent???
Wat gaat de trigger worden voor dit zwaar ondergewaardeerde diamantje...
European Uranium Files Technical Report for Kuriskova Preliminary Feasibility Study
BeantwoordenVerwijderenPress Release: European Uranium Resources Ltd. – 3 hours ago
Symbol Price Change
EUU.V 0.365 -0.01
VANCOUVER, British Columbia--(BUSINESS WIRE)--
European Uranium Resources Ltd. (EUU: TSX-V; TGPN: Frankfurt) (the “Company”) has today filed a National Instrument 43-101 compliant technical report regarding the Preliminary Feasibility Study (“PFS”) for the Kuriskova Project, Eastern Slovakia as announced by press release on January 30, 2012. The technical report was completed by Tetra Tech , Inc. of Golden, Colorado .
The report titled “NI 43-101 Technical Report, Kuriskova Uranium Project” is dated effective March 13, 2012.
The highlights of the results of the PFS as announced on January 30, 2012 are:
Internal Rate of Return 30.8%; 1.9 year payback; $276 million Net Present Value (NPV) at an 8% discount rate (Pre-Tax, base case US$68/lb U3O8, US$15/lb Mo);
94% increase of Indicated Resource to 28.5 million pounds of U3O8 since the Company’s June 2009 Preliminary Economic Assessment (“PEA”);
92% uranium recovery in PFS, increased from 90% in the PEA;
62% increase in the uranium grade to the process plant to 0.408% U3O8 in the PFS from 0.252% U3O8 in PEA;
26% lower life of mine operating costs in the PFS compared to the PEA. The PFS estimates US$22.98/lb U3O8 life of mine operating costs and US$16.68/lb U3O8 during the first 4 years of production. These are net of a molybdenum credit of about US$1.27 per pound of U3O8;
1.5 year decrease of pre-production construction period in PFS to 3 years compared to 4.5 years in the PEA;
The project can be developed as an underground mine/processing facility with a very small surface footprint;
Kuriskova would utilize Best Available Technologies in the mining and processing operations. The uranium can be extracted using conventional alkaline (non-acid) processing; and
There are multiple exploration targets within the Kuriskova License area, with the potential to expand the resource base and extend project life.
The results demonstrate that the Kuriskova Project has the potential to be among the lowest cost uranium producers in the world. The PFS not only illustrates the robust economics of the Kuriskova Project but also the competitive advantages it has over other uranium projects as a result of its high-grade resources, relatively low installation and operating cost estimates as well as its central European location.
The next step is, working with our strategic partner AREVA, to begin a Feasibility Study and Environmental Assessment Study that will continue to define project parameters to a higher degree of confidence and allow the permitting of the project to begin.
Qualified Person
This release has been reviewed and approved by Dr. Rex Bryan and Dr. Richard W. Jolk, P.E. of Tetra Tech of Golden, Colorado both independent Qualified Persons as defined in NI 43-101. This release has also been reviewed and approved for the Company by Dorian L. Nicol, President and CEO of the Company, and a Qualified Person as defined in NI 43-101.
Shareholders of Mawson approve plan of arrangement with Darwin
BeantwoordenVerwijderenPress Release: Mawson Resources Ltd. – 1 hour 7 minutes ago
VANCOUVER , April 2, 2012 /CNW/ - Mawson Resources Limited ("Mawson " or the "Company") TSX - MAW; Frankfurt - MRY. Mawson is pleased to announce that at its annual and special meeting of its shareholders held on Friday, March 30, 2012 in Vancouver , British Columbia (the "Meeting"), the Mawson shareholders voted in favour of a special resolution to approve the proposed plan of arrangement (the "Arrangement") with its shareholders and Darwin Resources Corp. ("Darwin"). As a result of the Arrangement, each shareholder of Mawson will be entitled to one new common share of Mawson, one-third of one common share of Darwin and approximately one-fifth of one common share of European Uranium Resources Ltd. (formerly Tournigan Energy Ltd.) (TSXV: EUU.V - News) ("EUR") for each share of Mawson held immediately prior to the effective time of the Arrangement, subject to adjustment, by surrendering their Mawson share certificates together with a duly completed Letter of Transmittal to Computershare Investor Services Inc. The Letter of Transmittal was mailed with Mawson's management information circular dated February 28, 2012 (the "Circular"), and is available on Mawson's website at http://www.mawsonresources.com/s/Shareholders.asp and under Mawson's profile on SEDAR at http://www.sedar.com.
The Arrangement is part of the reorganization of the business and capital of Mawson into two separate public companies (the "Reorganization") (refer to Mawson's press releases dated November 30, 2011 , December 7, 2011 , January 23, 2012 and March 1 , 2012). The Reorganization is intended to maximize value for Mawson shareholders and allow Mawson to focus on the development of its flagship Rompas property in Finland .
European Resources nu dus op 0,20.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenNa reverse stock split 5:1 dus Tournigan op 0,04.
Was voor de Japanse reactor ramp dus 0,50.
Is dit wellicht ook een Frans AVIVA spelletje om bedrijf straks tegen dumpprijs over te nemen ?
Zou mij niets verbazen......
Vrijwel alle exploratie-aandelen (incl goud) zijn te koop voor 'alles-moet-weg-prijzen', die vaak nog lager zijn dan tijdens de Lehman-crash.
VerwijderenDat komt natuurlijk niet door grote aandeelhouders, die een strategisch belang hebben in een bedrijf.
EUU is nu te koop voor de kasgeld-waarde van 8,5m + 1,5 miljoen voor ca 75 miljoen pond Ur (in totaal dus ca 10 miljoen CAD).
Een ander Ur-bedrijf (UEC) is de laatste maanden ca gehalveerd tot een beurswaarde van ca 170 miljoen USD, dit bedrijf is wat verder met de exploitatie, maar heeft slechts ca 12 miljoen pond Ur gevonden.
Vroeg of laat zal het normale verstand van de beleggers weer terugkomen, temeer daar de grondstofprijzen meestal niet bepaald laag staan; de Ur-prijs staat in ieder geval al heel lang rond de 50 USD.
Verder constateer ik dat er bij de exploratie-aandelen die ik volg, regelmatig flinke aandelenpakketten gedumpt worden, waarschijnlijk door (hedge)-funds en min of meer gedwongen, dit terwijl de kopers angstig weglopen, omdat ze denken dat de grote verkopers meer weten dan zijzelf
De echte grondstoffen-investeerders zoals b.v. Pinetree (zit ook in EUU) blijven echter gewoon doorgaan met investeren.
Kortom, zolang de angst regeert zullen de aandelen niet echt herstellen, maar er komt onvermijdelijk een punt van ommekeer en dan staan we in een mum van tijd 50 of 100% hoger.
European Uranium Signs Memorandum of Understanding with Slovak Ministry of Economy
BeantwoordenVerwijderenPress Release: European Uranium Resources Ltd. – 42 minutes ago
Symbol Price
EUUNF 0.2178
WHITE ROCK, British Columbia--(BUSINESS WIRE)--
European Uranium Resources Ltd. (EUU) reports that it has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic. The MoU defines the parameters by which EUU and the Ministry of Economy (the Ministry) will cooperate in advancing the Kuriskova uranium deposit (the Project), on which EUU holds the exploration license, through ongoing feasibility and environmental studies. A Preliminary Feasibility Study completed by Tetra Tech, Inc. (see news release dated January 30, 2012) indicates that the Kuriskova uranium deposit can be developed as an underground mine using Best Available Technologies with minimal environmental impact and that it could be one of the lowest cost uranium producers in the world.
Slovakia is the world’s third largest per capita user of nuclear energy, with nuclear power providing over 50% of its electricity. Four nuclear reactors are currently operating at two plants, with two additional reactors under construction. Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico, elected in March 2012, continues to publicly reinforce the message that nuclear power will be the main energy source in Slovakia in the future. Slovakia does not currently produce any uranium; Europe’s only producing uranium mine is in the Czech Republic.
Key points of the MoU include:
Recognition of the importance of the Kuriskova uranium deposit to future Slovak energy independence.
EUU’s ongoing Feasibility Study and Environmental Impact Assessment will focus on demonstrating that the Kuriskova deposit can be developed as an environmentally sustainable and commercially viable project.
EUU and the Ministry agree that if the Feasibility Study and Environmental Impact Assessment are positive, then the Project will be able to advance in conformance with the Slovak Republic’s National Energy Strategy.
EUU and the Ministry agree that the Ministry will support reasonable use of domestic energy minerals with the aim to reduce Slovakia’s current dependence on import of such raw materials.
EUU and the Ministry will endeavor to find a mechanism for collaboration that will allow uranium production from Kuriskova to be developed for the benefit of Slovakia’s energy future. This could be a production off-take arrangement, a partnership with a Slovak entity or other mutually agreed arrangements.
If the Kuriskova project enters the mining phase, it should be developed in a way which demonstrably increases energy independence of the Slovak Republic, will have positive effects on economic interests of the Slovak Republic and will create new jobs in eastern Slovakia.
Dorian L. (Dusty) Nicol, EUU’s President and CEO said, “The signing of this Memorandum of Understanding with the Slovak Ministry of Economy represents a significant milestone in our advancement of the Kuriskova project. We are confident that our ongoing Feasibility Study and Environmental Impact Assessment will demonstrate that the project can be permitted and developed in a sustainable way for the benefit of Slovakia’s energy security and the economy of the Kosice region in eastern Slovakia. We will continue to advance the project in a way that aligns the interests of EUU’s shareholders with those of the Slovak Republic and of eastern Slovakia”.